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Westlake High School


Westlake HS was established in 1969.
Westlake: The Early Years
In 1967 the Eanes area was faced with a second critical decision when AISD informed EISD that it would no longer be able to take Eanes’ older students. Citizens were faced with the choice of joining AISD or going it alone. A Citizens’ Advisory Committee was formed to investigate the question, which it did before recommending to the Board that EISD retain its independence and build a high school. The committee urged the Board to “adopt a program that would provide a junior-senior high school of above-average quality. The high standards of excellence prevailing must be maintained.”
The School Board voted to follow the recommendation and authorized a bond election to fund the high school. The community was seriously split on this issue, and it was compounded by 2 factors: busing to achieve integration in Austin and 2) the resignation of Supt. Hilton Pankratz, who had favored continued independence. On May 21, 1968, a $2.9 million bond issue was passed, 708 to 564. By September a 48-acre site that had once been a corn field and cow pasture and lay approximately ½ mile from Eanes School, was purchased from Randolph Johnson. Even after a construction contract was awarded, disgruntled residents who favored consolidation managed to get the question back on the ballot; on April 5, 1969 AGAIN voted on this issue and the vote was in favor, 1,000-601.
The School Board then hired Darrel Williams as Superintendent and Tom Hestand as principal of the new school. The new school was named, the Chaparral was chosen as a mascot, and Red, White and Blue were chosen as school colors. The new school’s first year of classes were held in portable buildings and the first classes in the new building were held August 31, 1970.
Westlake High School's Principals
2016 - Present   Steve Ramsey
2012 - 2016   Dr. John Carter
2006 - 2012   Linda Rawlings
2005 - 2006   Interim Co-principals:
Kathleen Sullivan and
Harvey Mayton
2001 - 2005   Dr. Alan Veach
1998 - 2001   Chris Hines
1985 - 1998   John Matysek
1982 - 1985   Melvin Ray "Pat" Patterson
1976 - 1982   Norman Fleeman
1973 - 1976   Joe Baressi
1970 - 1973   Dr. Clyde Greer
1969 - 1970   Thomas Hestand


Westlake High School Enrollment
School Year Freshmen Sophomores Juniors Seniors Total
2021-2022 707 701 686 726 2820
2020-2021 700 705 725 692 2822
2019-2020 706 735 687 705 2833
2018-2019 730 702 705 633 2770
2017-2018 683 713 639 648 2683
2016-2017 707 642 649 653 2651
2015-2016 638 671 679 602 2590
2014-2015 657 673 610 601 2541
2013-2014 661 632 622 690 2605
2012-2013 632 621 666 638 2557
2011-2012 621 660 627 653 2561
2010-2011 653 628 650 633 2564
2009-2010 623 640 626 590 2479
2008-2009 646 621 595 576 2438
2007-2008 627 599 577 645 2448
2006-2007 608 569 653 556 2386
2005-2006 568 650 570 578 2366
2004-2005 653 560 603 568 2384
2003-2004 576 586 570 595 2347
2002-2003 581 576 608 602 2367
2001-2002 585 597 616 544 2342
2000-2001 607 624 565 564 2360
1999-2000 634 550 579 529 2292
1998-1999 565 580 550 499 2194
1997-1998 620 535 510 477 2142
1996-1997 542 512 483 467 2004
1995-1996 522 488 501 458 1969
1994-1995 533 479 482 382 1876
1993-1994 494 489 414 395 1792
1992-1993 486 403 392 362 1643
1991-1992 388 376 361 353 1478
1990-1991 394 357 367 360 1478
1989-1990         1435
1988-1989         1378